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Phoenix Crossing
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Phoenix Crossing
Copyright © 2015 by Cara Carnes
ISBN: 978-1-61333-878-0
Cover art by Syneca Featherstone
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC
Look for us online at:
Mischief, Mongrels & Mayhem by Heather Long
Sorority Wolf by Rebecca Royce
Phoenix Rising by Cara Carnes
Imperfect Mate by Lia Davis
Shifted Plans by Brandy Walker
Tempting Her Tiger by Virginia Cavanaugh
Craving Cameo by TL Reeve
Changing Her Tune by Brandy Walker
Phoenix Crossing by Cara Carnes
Also by Cara Carnes
Phoenix Rising
A Wolf’s Promise
Thank you to the fabulous staff of Decadent Publishing for all their hard work and to the fabulous Rebecca Royce for reading every word as though they were your own. I’m thankful every day for your friendship.
Phoenix Crossing
Cara Carnes
Dear Reader,
Welcome to autumn, 2014. It’s a time for pumpkin spice lattes, cooling days, and kids heading back to school. I swear it feels like just yesterday that we were doing this last year. You know, I have a deep and abiding love for paranormal romance. I actually fell in love with urban fantasy and by extension paranormals thanks to two authors: Anne Rice and Emma Bull. If you’ve never checked them out, you should.
Fortunately, in the years since I read those the genre of paranormal romance has grown by leaps, shifts, fangs, and fur. I’ve always had a soft spot for shifter romance, and if you told me a book had wolves or cats or bears in it—well, I was so there. This hasn’t changed, not one bit. I don’t think there’s enough shifter romance in the world, but I did want to see more—what happens when young shifters leave their packs? What if they go off to school? How do they start over? How does a young wolf or cat or bear or any young person really make that final leap to adulthood?
I am thrilled to introduce Decadent ROAR as an answer to those questions. The line is dedicated to featuring stories about young weres and shifters who have come of age but now must determine the path of the rest of their lives. It's an exciting time of making your own decisions and not having to seek permission, but freedom always comes with a cost. Fortunately for these burgeoning adults, they have the ROAR hotline to reach out to.
Run by the mysterious siblings Hui and Min, 555-ROAR is a line shifters can text or call for help, whether it’s, What’s the best spot to hunt, or I’m in danger. What should I do? It’s a helpline, and a lifeline in some cases. Growing up is hard—being an adult is harder.
So what do we have to kick you off as ROAR launches a new school year? How about a mongrel attending college close to home who must contend with a sexy Alpha and his pride moving into her region? That’s the problem Mischief “Missy” Jones faces in Mischief, Mongrels & Mayhem by Heather Long.
Pledging a sorority can be hell, but is it so bad when you have a demon on your side? Werewolf Alexandra will have to decide when Kieran promises to turn over heaven and hell to help her out in Sorority Wolf by Rebecca Royce.
Not everyone gets encouragement when they head off into the big, bad world on their own. This couldn’t be more true for fragile and abused Riletta who’s dumped at school with no options, no fallback, and no hope—that is until delicious Macen intervenes in the hot ride that is Phoenix Rising by Cara Carnes.
Choosing college can be a grueling experience, but, then again, so can diving into adulthood and taking responsibility for your actions. Samira faces s a lot of hard choices, none tougher than accepting human Gavin might be her mate in Lia Davis’ Imperfect Mates.
Life is what happens when you’re not paying attention, and the best things don’t always occur in the order you expect. They sure don’t for Avery and Declan. Both are busy setting up their lives but the allure of mating throws them for a loop in Brandy Walker’s Shifted Plans.
Attracting attention from the male species is a hard job, even more so when that male is a shifter. Some lines, though, are hard to cross, and Jordan will fight his attraction to his best friend’s sister, Stacia, with everything he has in Tempting her Tiger by Virginia Cavanaugh.
Ultimately, the question these six stories must answer is not who will they be as adults, but who are they? How do they reconcile everything they've ever known with what can be? It's a new type of shifter romance, with all the love and passion required to achieve a happily ever after....
Thank you for joining us as we launch a hot new series—we’ll do our best to make every single tale memorable.
Happy Reading!
Heather Long and
Decadent Publishing
Chapter One
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
—Sir Walter Scott, Marmion
“A destroyer of all species? Please. You can’t kill a gnat.” I landed with a thud on the mat. My stomach continued roiling as I glared up at my current nemesis.
Vira was half demon, half vampire and one hundred percent attitude—mostly animosity and distrust. Okay, she aimed those vibes at me but, really, I deserved whatever I got. I’d taken the role of trainer and protector for my newfound little sister.
I was a total fraud.
Everyone else suspected.
Vira knew.
We’ll be watching you, Xandra.
The warning from four weeks ago echoed in my exhausted mind and made my aching body tense. I needed an exit strategy for the huge mess, a second plan of attack since my first one wasn’t working. Truth be told no such exit strategy existed for me—not with Uncle Lucian breathing down my neck with his twisted demands.
I stifled my groan and forced myself up to a somewhat standing position. Nausea kept me focused on not puking as I blinked until the three Viras became one seriously pissed-off one. Damn. My latest feeble attempt at “blending in” had only gotten my ass handed to me faster than yesterday. I sighed and leaned forward until the palms of my hands rested on my knees.
The training room was really the first two floors of the former Badger Hall, which Lane’s pack had gutted and turned into a massive secure compound for Riles to be trained in all things phoenix and angel. I, the self-professed warrioress sister, vowed to show her everything I knew.
What a crock of shit.
The warning I’d heeded so far hammered my throbbing head.
Your sister is a traitor to the throne, Xandra. You train her, I will find you and your entire family guilty of treason. I can’t stop you from severing your betrothal, but I will destroy every
thing you hold dear if you cross me.
Uncle Lucian never minced words. The miserable toad. As in toad with a crown. As in the freaking king of my realm. Arg. He’d made my entire existence miserable from the moment Xenia disappeared.
Riletta. Her name is Riletta.
No. Riles. Vira said the mangy mutt protectors got pissy if anyone used Riletta.
I glanced over at one of those so-called mangy mutts. My breathing erratic, my pulse flailing, I stared, unable to recall the last time any man affected me so completely. So enthralled with his presence, I’d yet to utter a full sentence to him.
Lane smirked and winked. Winked. At. Me.
My belly fluttered; my body tingled.
I was beyond pathetic. Yep. I deserved to get my ass kicked for letting my hormones take charge. I had a sister to protect, a stodgy, fat piggish fiancé to hide from, and a pissed king to appease. Somehow.
We’ll be watching you, Xandra.
The not knowing irritated me the most. Uncle Lucian probably sent one of the Realm’s assassin squadrons to watch over me. Comprised of full-blooded phoenixes of ancient bloodlines, they were the mightiest of the race and solely capable of “covert existence.” Translation—they could be inches away and I’d never know.
I shuddered at the thought. Fucking Uncle Lucian. The assassins were strong enough to kill me if I failed to abide by his wishes. I wasn’t too worried about the dying part—accepted my fate decades ago. I’d expected to be destroyed the night Riles disappeared.
Her kidnapping was my fault, after all. I was supposed to watch over her, and I’d failed miserably. What kind of big sister let her little charge get taken? I deserved whatever happened to me.
My head jerked backward. Pain ricocheted through my neck as I, once again, landed with a bone-jarring thud on the mat. Vira straddled me and sat hard on my belly. A blade nipped my chin.
“Lesson one for battle—don’t get distracted.” Vira tossed the weapon aside and wrapped a hand around my throat. I sputtered and coughed under the pressure but refused to allow fear or rage to control my actions.
I vowed to appear meek, mild. Uncle Lucian had expressed his concern if I did otherwise.
Give neither realm a reason to wage war against us. Our future rests on your shoulders, Xandra. Don’t fail me, or your family will bear the consequences.
She leaned forward until her breath was against my ear. “At least you have decent taste in men, even if you are pathetic in battle. I’m thinking you aren’t woman enough to keep him happy. He enjoys his women wild and his sex rough. Think you can handle that?”
Yes, please.
I remained mute despite the agitation, the awareness, her words created. How did she know? I studied her a moment. Long, ebony hair, obsidian eyes flecked with red, pale skin, a willowy figure etched in lean muscle. Soft, yet firm in all ways a man would appreciate. Every man on campus probably wanted her.
Including Lane.
Had they…?
No. I didn’t want to know. Something within me stirred, crawled beneath my skin. I shoved against her. “Move.”
She laughed but remained motionless. Agitation panged my patience. Something in me snapped when I realized Lane watched from the corner, and his gaze warmed my body. My inner beast refused to appear weak around him. An Alpha as strong as him would need an equally strong mate.
I wasn’t in the market to be one. Enough shit fermented on my plate, thank you very much. And I certainly didn’t need the assassin squad, assuming they watched my every move, aware I lusted after the new Alpha of Wolf Hall. Hell, Lane dealt with enough, especially since his pack had helped Riles. Macen stepped down as campus Alpha in order to handle the familial pack after his parents’ tragic deaths.
Growling my distaste for the situation, I flung Vira off me and jumped to my feet. Every muscle ached with the movement, but the pain kept me on point, focused on my objective.
Keep Riles safe. Stay under the radar.
“I’ve swallowed enough of your shit today.” I prowled to the corner where I tossed my stuff nearly six hours before. Hunger gnawed at my agitated stomach. I’d puke up whatever I ate if I gave into the need to feed. My beast would have to wait a couple hours.
“We aren’t done, freak.” She approached with rage in her voice.
I whirled and wrapped my hand around her neck. “I hear you call me freak again, it’ll be the last thing you do.”
Vira smirked beneath the tinges of angel fire I released in my fingertips. Very few people possessed the rare ability to generate the fiercest weapon in existence. I was an abomination—half angel (thanks to my dad) and half phoenix (thanks to my mom). To top off the fucking that was my existence, they were both pure-blooded royals. Translation—no one wanted me alive.
I’d lived under the tyranny of scorn and fear all my life. I intended to make damn sure my little sister scored her happily ever after, no matter what. She’d survived a shit life, too. Taken from us and abandoned in the woods of the Earthen realm, she’d been meant to die.
But some piece-of-shit Alpha had found her, raised her. Then mistreated her when they realized she wasn’t one of them. She couldn’t shift.
Rage for what she’d experienced kept me focused. My tasks were almost insurmountable—keep Riles safe and prevent Uncle Lucian from achieving his latest grandiose plan of finding a way into Demonia. More importantly, the wolves needed protection from the blowback of their decision to help my sister. Somehow I’d prevail. I always did.
Handling a pissed-off demonic vampire and an annoyed wolf pack was problematic. They wanted me to train Riles—something I’d promised yet couldn’t do because of Uncle Lucian. The complication made life on campus uncomfortable.
“I will figure out why you’re really here.” Vira glared at me. “I will destroy you if you harm Riles. Whatever play you’re making, you’d better keep her out of it.”
She stormed from the workout room, slamming the door in her wake. Damn. Part of me rejoiced in the knowledge someone so fierce protected Riles. The other part wanted to rip the vampire apart for doing a better job than me.
So much for becoming Vira’s BFF. Uncle Lucian would be a bit angry when he discovered I’d royally screwed up befriending her.
Use the demon vampire tramp and find the portal to Demonia. Fail and I’ll destroy your family.
“You okay?” The concern startled me. I took a few cleansing breaths and channeled my inner bitch. The sooner I severed the connection between Lane and me, the safer he’d be. I hoped we were alone.
The Alpha wolf prowled toward me, all sleek, sinful grace and sinewy flesh meant to be licked, worshipped. My body hummed in anticipatory awareness. Unable to meet his gaze, I focused on a spot above his shoulder. He continued forward until a primal impulse to step backward overpowered me. I stood firm and basked in his scent.
Romantic entanglements with men never made the priority list. They’d steered clear of me. Apparently, a woman who could kick your ass without trying didn’t merit chasing.
I inhaled the crisp woodsy musk cloaking me. Damn. He smelled even better than I’d imagined. Mom said my fascination with scents derived from my phoenix blood, something about a natural desire to track, hunt my prey—her warrior contribution. Dad, the ever romantic he was, claimed the allure was because my angel sought her soul’s other half.
Whatever the reason, Lane’s scent settled around me with the ease of a second skin. My pulse quickened when I chanced a glance upward and my gaze tumbled into the pale-blue depths of his eyes. The color reminded me of the human oceans we traversed when I was a child—before things went south. Strands of coal-black hair drifted downward along his temples. His full lips turned slightly upward into a smirk. I licked mine, wondering if his tasted as good as I imagined.
Yeah, I spent too much time thinking about the wolf and what I could do with him. His nostrils flared, and he closed the distance. “You gonna answer my question?”
; Right. Question. Answer the unheard question. I nodded.
The smirk turned into a full-out grin. I licked my lips again, wondering if he had fangs. Didn’t all wolves have fangs? Or was that vampires? Huh. Too bad I couldn’t ask Vira.
“Babe.” Strong fingers bracketed my face, forcing my attention to those sexy waves of ocean blue. Warmth settled in my belly as I leaned in and inhaled his scent again. I could spend an eternity basking in all things Lane.
But I didn’t have the right. I never would. One of my inner beasts wanted him. I suspected the phoenix. She was a bitch in heat half the time, primed to want any male she thought could handle her how she wanted. Fortunately, my angel was a prudish shrew.
The combination turned me into a wanton spinster with no hopes of mating anyone. Ever. I sighed and forced the hazy Lane fog aside.
He chuckled outright and ran his thumb along my lips. The gesture was too intimate, too full of potential. His gaze darkened as he leaned closer until our breaths mingled—my minty one to his cinnamon. Suddenly, I craved the tangy heat of cinnamon.
“We got a problem, babe.”
“Yeah.” Whatever the problem, I enjoyed the “we” in the scenario far more than I should.
“You lick your lips again, we got an even bigger problem.”
“Babe, I need you to focus. I’d love exploring whatever your fascination with my mouth is, but we gotta talk.”
I tensed beneath the admonishment. Embarrassment rushed forward. Heat rose in my face. I looked away and withdrew until my breaths no longer smelled of Lane. “The last thing I need is a mangy mutt chasing after me. Back off, wolf man.”
A smug grin spread on his face as he dragged me against him. “When we clear up this little problem, you and I are gonna have a talk about honesty, babe. Not liking the fact you keep denying what’s between us.”